Pcos and Its Homoeopathic Management

  • Kaushal Deshpande Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagon Jalna
  • Kavita Khandare Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagon Jalna


These cases present with many complications and it is difficult to cure in contemporary system and treatment is also very costly. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder that affects approximately 5% of all women which are very commonly found in day-to-day (routine) practice.pcos is also a leading cause of infertility. Women with pcos may present with obesity, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, infertility, or androgenic features.



Author Biographies

Kaushal Deshpande, Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagon Jalna



Kavita Khandare, Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagon Jalna


