Exploring the action of homoeopathic medicine on hair loss in seborrheic dermatitis

  • Pooja Thakur RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal
  • S. K. Sharma


Hair plays an important role in determining self image social perceptions, and psychological functioning. Any abnormality in normal hair growth can cause dissatisfaction with appearance and body image, low self- esteem, loss of personal attractiveness and fear of not looking attractive to others. Embarrassment, loss of confidence, shyness (about 75% of cases) and social teasing and humiliation (about 60% of cases) are found. Feeling of depression, introversion and jealousy are also important findings.  Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is a common chronic inflammatory disease that affect around   1-3% of the general population in the India, 3-5 % of consisting of young adult. The prevalence of SD in HIV positive individuals ranges from 20-80%. The incidences of disease of two peaks; one in new born infants up to three month of age, and the other in adult around 30-60 years of age .The currently accepted theory on the pathogenesis of this disease advocates that yeast of malassezia furfur, present on the skin surface of susceptible individual. Men are affected more often than women in all age group. SD cause inflammation and irritation of the scalp skin .Hair can become attached to the oily flakes or layers of skin that have become irritated and can be pulled out with the scratching of yours scalp, the flakiness and greasiness of the scalp can lead to hair follicle becoming clogged, which can impeded good hair growth and hair grows from an unhealthy environment.  If the symptoms including itching and cause you to scratch. The physical damage from scratching can weaken hair and cause it to break more easily. The hair loss is caused by the chronic inflammation due to maintaining cause; it can be reversed by treatment. Once the maintaining cause has been properly treated, the hair that was affected should grow healthy and strong. Homoeopathy treats Hair loss in seborrheic dermatitis disease without any side effects. It treats the main cause of disease. Many homoeopathic remedy having sphere of action on this dermatological condition and my aim to show homoeopathic remedies have role in the management of hair loss in seborrheic dermatitis disease.


Author Biographies

Pooja Thakur , RKDF Homoeopathic Medical College Hospital & Research Centre, Bhopal



S. K. Sharma


