Homoeopathic Management in The Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis

  • Javeria Shazlee Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna
  • Sushma Sabhaji Lawate Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna


Allergic disorder constitutes about 50% of all chronic disease states. Allergy is the price we have paid for modern civilization. An estimated 270 million Indians suffer from allergies and alarmingly the incidence as well as the severity of this disease state is increasing every year. Although allergic rhinitis may have its onset at any age, the incidence of onset is greater in children and adolescents, with a decrease in incidence seen in advancing age. Studies have shown that up to 10% of children and 20% to 30% of adolescents have allergic rhinitis.
