Homoeopathic Treatment of Primary Insomnia – A Case Study

  • Yusuf Khan Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna
  • Ankoosh Kulkarni Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna


Insomnia is a disorder during which interruption between sleep is observed and quality of sleep is disturbed. Insomnia is complex and often difficult to relieve because physiological parameters keep changing with age. Insomnia can also affect productivity in work and increase motor vehicles accidents and rate of hospitalisation. Loss of productivity can affect cost estimates even after being the commonest disorder where 30-40% of sleep disorder is occupied by primary insomnia. There is no definitive therapy for management and using psychological and pharmacological drugs for the treatment may cause habituation and withdrawal symptoms. Many homoeopaths advocate the use of homoeopathy for such illnesses as homoeopathic drugs cause no harm and no dependency is developed. Insomnia in Homoeopathy can be considered as part of clinical picture and can be used as the effective management for insomnia.
