Significance of Past History in Homoeopathic Prescription with Special Emphasis on Hahnemannian Concept of Miasm

  • Pooja Premkumar Kanojiya Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna
  • Siddhart Jondhale Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna


Ever since the beginning there has been a continuous evolution in all the aspects of life, may it be viruses, bacteria or humans. Homoeopathy has always emphasized on holistic treatment of the patient. The concept of holistic treatment did not only mean considering the mental and physical aspects of the individual but it had a deeper and scientific meaning which demanded an insight into the understanding of how and why does an individual suffer from a specific ailment or disease especially chronic and how is this related to the past illness or infections that he suffered from. This helps us understand the precursor of the chronicity which can be miasmatic or non-miasmatic in origin. When certain remedies come up as similimum in a case, there are various factors which help us to rule out remedies and select the most suitable similimum for the case. Dr. Hahnemann mentions the classification of remedies on the basis of their utility and miasm they can be used in. In his book ―The chronic disease‖ he mentions all such remedies with their classifications. Further, Dr. Boenninghausen mentions a huge list of antipsoric remedies in his Repertory of Antipsoric.When a remedy selected on this basis, it not only helps treat the present ailment, but also cure the case.
