Cough During Covid: Keynote Prescription with Fast Recovery

  • Sonia Banwsal Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna
  • Sumeet Jangada Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna


In this pandemic of corona virus, homeopathy gives a valuable contribution for treatment of mild and moderate cases of Corona virus. Solely homeopathic medicine in mild corona cases and homeopathic medicines as add on therapy along with modern medicines in moderate cases are popular in current era. Symptomatic Manifestation of corona is variable but cough is most widely manifested symptom in cases. Here some therapeutics regarding the cough from homeopathy where cough is major concern about the patient's health and followed by some cases which show the beneficial effect of Homeopathy in treatment of Corona Virus Cases.
