Psychological Problems During COVID-19 and Its Homoeopathic Management

  • Punam Bhawar Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna
  • Pradeep Bisen Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna


corona virus pandemic virus spread quickly pass over the world and causes large in extend inducing a considerable degree of anxiety, fright, and concern in the population at large, specially affects groups in older, older adults, and children’s, care provider and people with underlying health problems. 

Objectives: The objective of the study was to evaluate mental disorders during quarantine and to find the suitable homoeopathic remedies.

Methods:  We have attempted to assemble the mental symptoms from the possible published works   in Google scholar, PubMed, JAMA network, control and prevention – WHO, Covid – 19 research article databases, on the basis of repertorization evaluate close running group of medicines.

Results:  on the basis of symptoms gathered from earlier studied repertorization outcome was studied to include close running most similar Homoeopathic remedies like Arsenic album, Lachesis, Pulsatilla and Calcarea carb obtain in the top list of analysis. After   reffering the Boericks Homoeopathic Materia medica, and Allens Key notes the symptoms are noted down and are introduced in the paper.                                    

Conclusion: We consider that these    most suitable Homoeopathic medicines are helpful to those suffering from psychological problems during covid-19.
