Menopause and Homoeopathy

  • Chinmoy Mahato Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College & PG Institute, Shelgaon, Jalna
  • Jagdish Darakh Guru Mishri Homoeopathic Medical College PG Institute, Shelagaon Jalna


Menopause is one of the physiological permanent cessation of menstrual activity in womens.various treatments are there for cureĀ  for it but considering the homoeopathy been effective. It is a saying that Homoeopathy acts based a children and female. When we deal with female patients, we face many problems that come after the cessation of thin menstrual cycle. This phase in the life of the female is call climatric period or menopause. Homoeopathy acts marvellously in the problem arise during menopause.
